ND - neue diffusion
ein dokumentationsprojekt
im Zentenarjahr von Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)
São Paulo, 27.Januar - 1. Februar 1987
Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft – Sociedade Brasileira de Musicologia
Konzept und wissenschaftliche Leitung
Antonio Alexandre Bispo
Angewandte Musikologie
- Stand der Forschung -
31. Januar
Universität des Staats São Paulo UNESP
Institut der Künste
Auditorium J. Baptista Julião
9:00 Uhr
Ehrenvorsitz: Dr. Eurico Nazaré Nogueira França
ehem. Generalsekretär der nationalen Musikkommission
Interpretation und Unterricht des Gregorianischen Chorals im Licht der erforschten Handschriften in den letzten 60 Jahren
Eleanor Florence Dewey
Vorsitzende der Gregorianischen Chorgesellschaft Pius X° von São Paulo
Taking into consideration the shortage of time, only the manuscript of Saint Gall in Switzerland was explained. After a short historical explanation of the „Method of Solesmes“ Dom Eugène Cardine’s work was referred to. Quoting Dom Jean Hourlier, who defines Semiologie, saying, „It is the science of ancient systems of notation emplyed to express music in the visual domain. In a large sense, its object is the reading of ancient manuscripts in view of a musical interpretation and restoration. In a more precise sense, musical paleography is today limited exclusively to the study of musical symbols, their various forms, their history and their geographical distribution.“ The fundamentl neumes whre shown in the so-called square notation and so was the object of semiological studies. To end the communication, the Choir „Saint Pius X“ of São Paulo, gave a demonstration of how the investigation on semiology can be put into practice by singing the Introit of the Mass of the 4th Sunday of the year. (Übers. Eleanor Florence Dewey)
Die vernunftgeleitete Anwendung von Musik in ihren Beziehungen zur Musikkritik
Prof. Amós Silva do Nascimento
Musikabteilung des Methodistischen Instituts für Hochschulstudium, São Bernardo do Campo
The relatioon between the Rationale und Emotional is fundamentally an important question for a musical critic. Considerations are under discussion about the conception of the Rationale and Emotional and the conjugation of the two in the human body. The analyses of an artistic and musical factor should take this intrinsic relationship into consideration. Technique and „liberty“ are also combined in musical art. For centuries, the rationale gained more and more ground in musical art and in the religious aspect. The mystical aspect of both areas gradually lost ground. A network of considerations on Theology, Musicology and the relationship between Musicology and Musical Criticism asppeared. (EFD)
Die Gruppen für Marschmusik/Fanfarren als Ort musikalischer Ausbildung
Prof. Neyde Brandani
Institut für Künste der Staatsuniversität Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP)
Foreign musicians are contracted for orchestras and instrumental groups in Brazil. These musicians may also teach and can contribute to the training of Brazilian instrumentalists. Some official projects, try to achieve these aims. The young Brazilian, generally lacks systematic musical instruction. Music is part of the field of „Artistic Education“, which includes plastic arts, scenic arts, music and drawing, and therefore it cannot be taught adequately. Within a few years it will no longer be possible to form a simple choir for a school commemoration. On the other hand, some schools have bands conducted by non-qualified teachers. These bands have great educational value and that has been the objective of a detailed research. (EFD)
Die Aktivitäten im Bereich der Kunstmusik in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
Prof. Maria del Carmen Macchi, Prof. Juliane Manica da Cruz, Prof. Cynthia Irion
Bundesuniversität von Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
This is an acoount of the research work carried out by a group of professors and pupils of the Department of Music of the Centre of Arts and Letters of the Federal University of Santa Maria. The research has two main objectives: to save the local heritage of music and to initiate the studies in the methodology of scientific investigation. Santa Maria, situated in the geo graphical centre of Rio Grande do Sul, originated from a native mission but the actual foundation of the town goes back to a military encampment at the end of the XVIII century. In the XIX century, the town received a great many colonists, especially Azorians; from 1828 onwards the Germans came in and from 1877 the Italians. There are records of local institutions for teaching music, activity in the area of music and the Faculdade de Belas Artes, names of the main instrumentalists, instrumental groups and the local choruses and composers. Frederico Richter very especially devoted himself to the foundation of an orchestra using themes he could dispose of the region. This led him to develop the practice of executing specially adapted repertoires in an individual way. (EFD)
1° Februar
Basilika von Unserer Lieben Frau auf dem Berge Karmels
18:30 Uhr
zum 80. Geburtstages von
Mozart Camargo Guarnieri
Missa Diligite
Chor Camargo Guarnieri, Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais
Leitung: Valderez Medina Ferreira
Symphonieorchester der Universität São Paulo
Leitung: Ronaldo Bologna
Gregorianischer Chor S. Pius X von São Paulo
Leitung: Eleanor Florence Dewey
Predigt und Laudatio
Prof. Dr. José Geraldo de Souza
Präsident der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft
Regierung des Staates São Paulo
Kultursekretariat des Staates São Paulo
Stadt São Paulo
FUNARTE - Nationalstiftung für Kunst
Villa-Lobos Museum, Rio de Janeiro
Internationaler Musikrat/UNESCO
Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae, CIMS
Staatsuniversität Júlio de Mesquita Filho
Instituto de Artes do Planalto
Universität von São Paulo
Universität von Rio de Janeiro
Universität von Ouro Preto
Bundesuniversität von Rio de Janeiro
Bundesuniversität von Minas Gerais
Bundesuniversität von Goiás
Bundesuniversität von Paraná
Bundesuniversität von Santa Catarina
Bundesuniversität von Rio Grande do Sul
Bundesuniversität von Bahia
Bundesuniversität von Santa Maria, RS
Päpstliche Universität von Paraná
Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Volkskunde
Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Akustik
Gesellschaft Pró-Música Antiga
Brasilianische Gesellschaft für zeitgenössischer Musik
Institut Technologischer Forschung, São Paulo
Brasilianisches Institut für Geographie und Statistik
Bibliothek der Schule für Kommunikation und Künste der Universität São Paulo, ECA
Institut für hymnologische und musikethnologische Studien, Maria Laach
Studienzentrum für Kunstsoziologie der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität São Paulo
Musikfakultät Carlos Gomes
Museum der Universität São Paulo (Ipiranga-Museum)
Museum für Volkskunde São Paulo
Musikkonservatorium von Niterói
Musikabteilung des Methodistischen Instituts für Hochschulstudien, São Bernardo do Campo
Gesellschaft für Gesang des Mittelsalters, São Paulo
Basilika Unsere Frau von Karmel
Symphonie Orchester der Universität São Paulo
Musikkonservatorium Brooklin Paulista
Chor Camargo Guarnieri, Poços de Caldas
Gregorianischer Chor Pius X, São Paulo