ND -  neue diffusion
ein dokumentationsprojekt



im Zentenarjahr von Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)

São Paulo, 27.Januar - 1. Februar 1987


Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft – Sociedade Brasileira de Musicologia

Konzept und wissenschaftliche Leitung

Antonio Alexandre Bispo

Musikwissenschaft in Hochschulen
und Bibliotheken

28. Januar

Universität des Staats São Paulo UNESP

Institut der Künste

Auditorium J. Baptista Julião


Prof. Dr. Guilherme Figueiredo
Rektor der Universität von Rio de Janeiro

Musik, Literatur, Theater und Ballet - Notwendige Beachtung von Beziehungen und Interaktionen

Studien der Musikologie am Institut der Künste der Staatsuniversität Júlio de Mesquita Filho
Regis Duprat, Álvaro Carlini, Geraldo Teodoro de Almeida, Mary Angela Biason, Vitor Gabriel de Araújo

For the last six years, together with the discipline of the History and the Evolution of Music, the Instituto de Artes do Planalto has maintained a nucleus of studies and research on Brazilian Musicology. This nucleus is developint two projects. The first, is called the Memória Musical Paulista, and is preparing a critical edition. The second, carried ouzt together with the Museu da Inconfidência de Ouro Preto, aims at the evaluation of manuscripts acquired from Francisco Curt Lange. (Übers. Eleanor Florence Dewey)

Studien der Musikologie an der Bundesuniversität von Minas Gerais

Prof. Dr. Sandra Loureiro de Freitas Reis

Bundesuniversität von Minas Gerais

The musical Conservatory of Minas Gerais was founded in 1920; in 1950 it became a Higher School of Music, and in 1962 was inccorporated into the Federal University of Minas Gerais. In 1968 its name was changed to The School of Music of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. In 1975, a centre of Musical Documentation was created and in 1981, the Centre of Research in Contemporary Music, and finaly, in 1986, a course of specialization in Brazilian Musicology. The school is preparing to offer courses in the field of Ethnomusicology. Since 1984 meetings on musical research habe been organized. During the last years this institution has been going through a process of reorganization and of reformulation. (EFD)

Orientierung von Dissertationen in Musikologie an der Universität São Paulo

Prof. Dr. Lea Vinocur Freitag

Schule für Kommunikation und Künste (ECA), Abteilung Szenischer Künste
Universität São Paulo

The head of the Department of Scenic Arts of the University offers a panorama of efforts undeertaken during the last few years referring to the orientation of university papers with themes relating to music. Among other papers achieved and still to be accomplished, are to be found the following papers: on the use of folklore music in physical education; on „folguedos folclóricos“ with documents on Brazilian history; on the „Cururu“ found in Piracicaba; on the musical activities of the Gomes Cardim family; on Ernesto Nazareth, João Gomes de Araújo, Adoniran Barbosa, on schools of guitarists. We succeeded in obtaining that the execution of pieces could also have the validity of an academic title; an exemple of this was the interpretation of Schumann’s Sonatas accompanied by an explanatory text. (EFD)

Musikologie und Kulturpolitik

Prof. Neide Rodrigues Gomes
ehmalige Diretorin der Fakultät des Musikinstituts São Paulo (IMSP)
und der Chorbewegung des Kultursekretariats der Regierung São Paulos

One can understand that in a country like Brazil, the struggle for basic culture has never hat priority up to now. In São Paulo, during the decade of 1930, the creation of the Service of Artistic Orientation and of the Department of Culture were important facts of political culture. In 1942, music received special help from the federal Government with the creation of the „Conservatório Nacional de Canto Orfeônico“. Very many cultural institutions were founded during the last decades. Some of them supported musical and musicological activites (Programme of Cultural Actions, Foundation of Pró Memória and the National Foundation of Arts). Musicology is only taught in very few institutions of Higher Education and its development depends basically on the individual initiative of research workers. (EFD)


Dr. Antonio Alexandre Bispo
Leiter des wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft

Pour un enseignement supérieur de la Musicologie
Prof. Dr. Roger Joseph Victor Cotte
Institut der Künst der Staatlichen Universität São Paulo UNESP

The Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Musicology with all his experience on lecturing French Universities and others, as well as in Brazilian ones, makes an appeal for the introduction of a series of Lectures on Musicology at a graduation level in Brazil. Uü to now, there are only courses of a methodical character at a post-graduation level. It reminds one of the possibilities of a professional exercise for musicologists. Among the necessary and outstanding requirements for the study of Musicology in Brazil, is the knowledge of languages, since the grater part of the specific literature is not translated into Portuguese. (EFD)

Musicology in Britain Today - Opportunities at University for under-graduate and post-graduate Studies

Graham C.T. Griffiths

The report offers a panorama of British institutions whre Musicology can be studied and gives a general table of the extensive studies and explains the structure of the Universities. Research is a very important element in the life ot fhe students of British Universities. The lectures seem to be characterized by the divers ways of thinking and the field of investigation of the lecturers. (EFD)

Bibliographie der Brasilianischen Musik

Irati Antonio
Dienststelle für Bibliothek und Dokumentation der Schule für Kommunikation und Künste (ECA)
der Universität São Paulo

The sector of Arts in Brazil lacks bibliographical resources and services of specialized documentation. In 1952, Luís Heitor Correa de Azevedo published the „Bibliografia Musical Brasileira“, which should habe included the publications on music launched since 1976. The Library and Documentation Service of the „Escola de Comunicações e Artes“ of the University of São Paulo and the „Divisão de Pesquisas“ of the Cultural Centre of São Paulo, are working on a project of compiling a Bibliography of Brazilian Music. This project gives a relation of books, dissertations and articles taken from periodics, published between 1977 and 1984. A publication of the biography referring to the period 1820-1976 and also from 1985 onwards should be published in due time. (EFD)

Der „Dicionário Musical Brasileiro“ von Mário de Andrade

Flávia Camargo Toni

Forschungabteilung des Kulturzentrums São Paulo

The Brazilian Dictionary of Music was begun in October 1929 and the author worked on it until the day before his death in February 1945. The work was continued by his disciple and collaborator, Oneyda Alvarenga, until 1984. The Dictionary as it was left by the author, contained 3750 musical terms in different languages. The elaboration of the dictionary was a very careful systematic work of bibliographical research and investigation. Among the interesting data collected are those referring to the term „Maxixe“ and „Metáfora Musical“. The preparation of this encyclopedic work is particulary complex and demands the dedication of a team of research workers. (EFD)

Die Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Zeitgenössische Musik - Heute und in Zukunft

Prof. Dr. Paulo Affonso de Moura Ferreira

Präsident der „Sociedade Brasileira de Música Contemporânea“
Universität Brasília

The International Society of Contemporary Music (SIMC, IGNM, ISCM) was founded in 1922, a significant year for contemporary music in Brazil (Week of Modern Art in São Paulo). In the decade of 1940, the composer José Siqueira founded the Brazilian Society of Contemporary Music (SBMC) of a nationalistic tendency, as the first section of SIMC. This initiative did not last long. It was only during the seventies that the idea of creating a „New SBMC“ arose. The meeting summoned by the radio of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Rio de Janeiro, was marked by confrontations of an aesthetic and regional nature, the result being the fouzndation of a new entity (Directors: E. Krieger, M. Nobre, A. Escobar und Guerra Peixe). In 1974 a new board of directors was elected, the president (the author) lives in Brasilia (P.A. Moura Ferreira, E. Mahle, H. Morozowicz and R. Tacucchian). Here are some of the priorities of the Society: enlarge the listing of Brazilian composers’ works and create conditions to publish the scores and the recording of records. It would also be desirable if musicologsts could give more attention to contemporary music. (EFD)


Regierung des Staates São Paulo

Kultursekretariat des Staates São Paulo

Stadt São Paulo

FUNARTE - Nationalstiftung für Kunst

Villa-Lobos Museum, Rio de Janeiro

Internationaler Musikrat/UNESCO

Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae, CIMS

Staatsuniversität Júlio de Mesquita Filho

Instituto de Artes do Planalto

Universität von São Paulo

Universität von Rio de Janeiro

Universität von Ouro Preto

Bundesuniversität von Rio de Janeiro

Bundesuniversität von Minas Gerais

Bundesuniversität von Goiás

Bundesuniversität von Paraná

Bundesuniversität von Santa Catarina

Bundesuniversität von Rio Grande do Sul

Bundesuniversität von Bahia

Bundesuniversität von Santa Maria, RS

Päpstliche Universität von Paraná

Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Volkskunde

Brasilianische Gesellschaft für Akustik

Gesellschaft Pró-Música Antiga

Brasilianische Gesellschaft für zeitgenössischer Musik

Institut Technologischer Forschung, São Paulo

Brasilianisches Institut für Geographie und Statistik

Bibliothek der Schule für Kommunikation und Künste der Universität São Paulo, ECA

Institut für hymnologische und musikethnologische Studien, Maria Laach

Studienzentrum für Kunstsoziologie der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität São Paulo

Musikfakultät Carlos Gomes

Museum der Universität São Paulo (Ipiranga-Museum)

Museum für Volkskunde São Paulo

Musikkonservatorium von Niterói

Musikabteilung des Methodistischen Instituts  für Hochschulstudien, São Bernardo do Campo

Gesellschaft für Gesang des Mittelsalters, São Paulo

Basilika Unsere Frau von Karmel

Symphonie Orchester der Universität São Paulo

Musikkonservatorium Brooklin Paulista
Chor Camargo Guarnieri, Poços de Caldas
Gregorianischer Chor Pius X, São Paulo